Saturday, March 31, 2012

Things that irritate

I don't like flies.  I chase them if they get in the house.  Don't like gnats.  Bugs of any kind just stay away.  Rocks in my shoes are a no no.  Whinny children or adults need to zip it.

Then I begin to wonder about the things I do that might irritate others.  Things I forget to do, maybe holding others up in the check out line, etc.

Then I think about God.  He sees all.  He knows all the irritating things I do.  He loves me anyway.  I should not let little things bother me. Especially things others do.  Life is short.  If we spend our time thinking about the little things that bother us we will miss the good things going on. 

It is a choice.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The doctors fault!

Today is my oldest daughters birthday.  She is and always has been a little stubborn.  It isn't her fault.  You see when she was being delivered the doctor said this is a stubborn one.  So she has tried to live up to what he said.  It would have been easier if he had said this is a calm, gentle conpliant one.  She cried more, demanded more, etc.  But she was more determined as well which is not a bad thing in itself.

It only took one day to potty train her.  It was her second birthday.  She went on the potty and never wore another diaper.  She did not have accidents or wet the bed.

In high school she had a science teacher that told the students she had to tell them about the "big bang therory" but it was just a theory.  She liked that .  When she went to college of course there was more talk about that.  She came to the conclusion that it could have happened that way if that was the way God had wanted it to happen.

She is beautiful, she loves animals, she shares and has the kindest heart ever.  She cries for others.  If she was the richest woman in the world you would be too because she would share what she had with you.

I am very proud of her.  I am very blessed she is my daughter.  Who cares what the doctor said!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Christian Fellowship

Last night was our monthly Ladies Night Out.  This month Esther Cox was the hostess.  She has a beautiful home and is very hospitable.  The food was delicious but I think the fellowship was best.  We had a group of Sojourner Ladies join us last night.  Esther shared with us how we need to live for God now because our life is short.  The ladies had stories to share.  They are great examples to all and are such servants.

I really like the song "Make Me A Servant"  Lord, make me like you.

(Sorry I missed the Pod Cast last night but I will listen later.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The silly things we do!

Well maybe you don't do silly things but I sure do.  Like buying presents and forgetting where you put them or maybe forgetting that you even bought them.  This happened this week.  I have two children with birthdays close together.  I had bought them gifts but forgot about it.  I then remembered buying one of them but not the other so I went and bought another then found the first one I bought.  Getting dizzy yet?

A co worker used the term "ditsy" this morning.  He was teasing and not about me.  Maybe it should be me!

I am thankful our God doesn't forget like we do.  He is there every morning.  Read Lamentations 3:23-25

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, March 23, 2012

wash cloths

When you go to the store to buy towels and wash cloths you look at all the colors and choose just the right ones.  You buy towels and wash cloths and hand towels that match.  When you get home you put them in the closet/cabinet what ever you have and they look so pretty.  Now if you buy more than one color that might pose a problem. If you want to use the same color wash cloth and towel at the same time then you might stack them that way in the closet.  Maybe it doesn't matter to you if they match or not.  Maybe you don't even use a wash cloth.  Well I like them to match and I do use a wash cloth.

Recently I had been noticing the towels and wash cloths were not matching up.  So I restacked them.  This happened several times.  I mentioned it to Doug who was the culprit.  There was a certain towel and wash cloth he liked so he would get that and it caused the others to be out of order.  His comment was it doesn't matter.  Well you know what it doesn't matter. 

I thought about it for a while not just about the wash cloths and towels not matching but there are other things in our lives that don't matter.  Do we stress over the things that don't really matter?  Do we spend time on the things that do?

Something to think about!

Have a great day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Earlier in the week we had some serious storms in our little town.  Many had to go for shelter to avoid injury.  No one was injured and that is a good thing.

Today the sun is out, the sky is blue and the clouds are floating by and it is a beautiful day.  God made this day.

Life is a little like this week.  Sometimes we have storms in our lives.  Not weather ones but things that happen to us or family members that are hard to deal with.  Illness or job loss or maybe even death.  We feel sad and maybe a little afraid about these things.  That is kind of like the darkness.  Then when a period of time passes and the sun comes out things seem bright again.  The light.

Jesus is our light.  Lets look to Him when we are having those stormy times.  Things won't seem so dark and stormy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The bluebonnets are beautiful this year.  If you are not form Texas you might not understand how we look forward to them every spring.  Last year there was a draught and not many spring flowers survived.  This year God blessed us with rain at just the right time and boy was there a bluebonnet explosion!

As I was going down the road the other day I was just amazed again at God's power.  He created this world.  He put the clouds in the sky and the grass on the ground.  There were areas that looked like water along the side of the road but it was bluebonnets.  They know when to come to the surface.  That was part of God's creation.  Then I got to wondering if the bluebonnets were here before man moved to Texas!  Or did God wait until man came to enjoy them.  Maybe God put them here from the beginning so He could enjoy them!  Anyway I am thankful for the bluebonnets and the rest of God's creation.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Doug's Birthday

Saturday was Doug's Birthday.  It was also St. Patricks Day.  A day full of green and lucky things.  Well we had planned to climb Enchanted Rock.  A fun thing to do on St. Patrick's Day.  It was so crowded the line of cars to get into the place was very long.  We got out of line and went to Fredericksburg instead.  Lucky for my muscles!

We talk about how lucky we are sometimes.  But is it really luck or blessings?  Something to think about.
God does bless us abundantly.

It is fun to have a day to wear green and talk about luck but we need to be thankful for all the belssings God has given us everyday.  Tell Him about it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My friend

My friend is in Athens Greece.  She is helping others learn to read the Bible in English.  So many lives are being touch by just a simple thing like that.  Everything we do touches others in some way.  We need to be more aware of what we are doing and saying so that we touch others in a good way.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Awsome Sunday

Yesterday was an awsome Sunday.  We were able to worship God twice.  The singing was great even though some were out for spring break.  We heard great messages from God's word and had fellowship with oneanother.  Later in the day we were able to "shower" a sweet sister with gifts for her upcoming marriage.  Then after evening services we said good bye to a couple moving to another state.  Sad but at the same time a new adventure for them.

God is great.

Friday, March 9, 2012


What are pedestals? Well they are tall columns used to hold things and they are usually high/tall. Some are taller than others.

Some people put plants on them or something they treasure or really like.

Do you ever put people on a pedestal? Do you ever think so highly of someone you don't think they could ever have any faults? You don't think they could ever fall off that pedestal?

What happens when someone you think a lot of falls off that pedestal? Someone does or says something that really shocks you. How do you feel about that?

We need to remember people are human. We want all people to do what is right but because we are human mistakes are made.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. If we were perfect like Him He would not have come. We are not so He came to save us. He died that horrible death so we could have a chance to live with Him one day.

We need to remember that people do sometimes fall. We need to not be so shocked that we cannot forgive. We need to be more like Jesus and be forgiving. We don't have to condone mistakes but be willing to forgive.

Don't make those pedestals too high.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

God is amazing!

Living in Texas you get to see lots of weather changes.

This morning I was actually hot. I know those of you that know me find that hard to believe but it is true. It was warm outside. Now the wind is blowing and it is very cold.

Sometimes that can be discouraging when you leave home dressed for warm weather and then get ready to go home and it is cold. But when you think about it it is only a little inconvenience.

As I was thinking about all of this I realized God made the warm sunshine, the wind to blow and the rain to fall. He can do anything. He is amazing.

Looking out of my window I can see the trees moving very fast. Leaves flying around. Flags waving. God is in control. And I am thankful.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A New Day

Every morning we wake up it is as if God created the world all over again just for us.

Lamentations 3 tells us that "The steadfast of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning! "

Isn't it great to know we can start over again each day.