Wednesday, October 31, 2012


In my Wednesday night Bible Class we have been studying Moses.  We just crossed the Red Sea last week.  Remember all the complaining and lack of trust they had when they got to the sea and saw the Egyptians headed right for them? God took care of everything.  They then rejoiced.  As I was preparing for this week they begin the complaints again.  The water is bitter.  "You have brought us out here to die!"  Now this is a very large group of people that had been slaves for 400 years.  God rescued them from that then rescued them again at the Red Sea.  What happened to the rejoicing and their faith?  Well God takes care of them again.  Food and water provided.  Over and over again this happens.  Their faith is good when things are going the way they want them to.

Are we like that?  It really made me stop and think as I was reading this all again.  We trust in God when things are great but as things start to slip our faith sometimes does too.  You know God never leaves us.  He never slips.  Who does the slipping?

Something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia,
    I have nominated you for a Leibster Blog Award. To accept the award all you have to do is participate. To see what it’s all about just click here on my blog and join in.
