Thursday, March 5, 2015


Laying on my desk this morning was a card advertising a book. On one side of the card was this statement.  His beliefs sent him to prison his faith set him free.  I read that over and over today and began to think about this statement.  We might not ever be sent to prison for our beliefs but at the same time we can be in a type of prison.  Problems we might have might seem like being in prison.  Sometimes people might say things to hurt our feelings or say untruths about us or maybe a family member.  When this happens we might get upset or even angry. If we continue to dwell on this we put ourselves or allow the devil to put us in prison.

The last part of the words on the card say his faith set him free.  If we rely on God and let go of the things upsetting us or making angry, have faith that God will handle the situation we will be set free.

Something to think about.

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