Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Don't Understand

I don't understand. Why does God care so much even when we refuse to follow Him. We have every intention of following Him but some how we get side tract. We allow the devil to lead us away.

Lord thank you for your forgiveness, your understanding, your compassion, your love.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fail forward.

Well it has been a while but I am back. I just read a blog about failing forward. That sounds wrong but it is right. She said she is not where she wants to be but she is not what she was. That is so true about all of us. We all have problems that get in our way and it is how we handle them that counts. We might fail at times but we must go forward.

If we take two steps forward and fall back one we are still one step ahead!

Have a great day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am blooming!

Well at least my yard is. I have spent part of the day replanting and pulling weeds. I am so thankful for thoses weeds even though I don't like to pull them or see them in my flower beds. If it wasn't for them we would not realize how pretty things really are when we get rid of them.

We Need to weed out our lives. Get rid of the "weeds". You know those sins that we allow to creep in. Are you blooming?

Friday, May 8, 2009

God is good

Everything we have comes from God. He made us and sustains us. We need to praise Him and continually thank Him.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A New Day

Well it is a new day and I need to think about putting God first in my life and not spending so much time with other things. Like blogging! It is about time for class and I dread going. I feel like such a failure as a mother. This lesson really hurts.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Right Reasons

Tabitha Class is tonight. We are going to talk about doing things for the right reasons. The Pharisees didn't always do things for the right reasons. I have been thinking do I? I usually lead the prayer in Wed. night class. Others can pray. Why do I? When I pray I mean what I say and I hope it doesn't seem like I am wanting to be noticed or that I am braging. That is not my intention. Prayer is very important to me and I never want it to be for the wrong reason.
Another thought is do we give gifts for the right reason? Do we attend services for the right reason? Lots to think about.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Great Day

Today has been a great day. A greater day is coming for those of us who love the Lord. Some days I wish that great day would hurry and come because I am so tired of things in the world. Mostly though I do not want the world to end because of those that do not love the Lord enough to do what His Word teaches us to do. There are those that want to change what God's Word says to fit what they want it to say. Others just don't want to be bothered. Others think they can't be perfect enough.
None of us are perfect and that is the beauty of God's love. Do as He asks and be the best you can be and His grace covers the rest.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Sometimes it is hard to be content but Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 to be content in whasoever state we are in. Sometimes that is hard when we are unhappy in our jobs or if we have lost that job, things are not going well at school, an illness of self or family member or dear friend, our morgage is due and we don't have enough to cover it. I could go on and on.

If you read on in Philippians Paul tells us God will supply all our needs. He has always taken care of us. We have what we need but not always what we want, our greeds.

We need to be thankful for what we have and do all we can to make the best of our situation. God is not going to desert us. He will always be there for us to lean on. We just have to do it.

Be happy today. Bloom where you are, no matter what state you are in.