Monday, September 10, 2012

Get Smart

Do you remember the show "Get Smart"?  I do and always thought it funny, silly, and a little crazy.  Well as I listen to what is going on in our country I want to yell out GET SMART!  So many of us listen to a little and think we are smart enough to make decisions about our country, elected officials, etc.  Maybe we are smart enough but I am not so sure.  How much time and effort have we really put in to know what is right and wrong?  Do we pray about it?

Same thing with God's Word!  We think we know enough but do we really?  How much time and effort do we spend studying God's Word?  Do we take what someone we know tells us?  Do we listen to peoples opinions and accept them without studying to find out the truth?  Do we pray about it?


Friday, September 7, 2012

The weather

It seems like everyone around here is complaining about the weather.  It is too hot!  Well it is pretty hot even for me.  I can tolerate the heat if I am sitting on my porch with a glass of iced tea.  It is shady there.  I like to listen to the  noises of nature and of course watch the cars go by.  Right now the weather isn't bothering me near as much as those pesky mosquitoes.  They just love me!  It is nice to be loved but not necessarily by those insects.

So do you sometiomes wonder why God made certain things?  Scorpians, mosquitoes, spiders, etc.  I guess if everything was perfect on this earth we wouldn't want to leave.  Though I can't imagine anyone not wanting to go to heaven.  God loves me a whole lot more than those pesky bugs and I know He loves you too.

Have a great week-end.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm Back

Well not totally.  My emotions are playing havoc with me lately.  I am not usually an emotional person so this is a hard thing for me.

Doug is doing so much better.  He is getting his strength back more and more every day.  For that we are thankful.

I guess I wrote about 12 blogs in my head the two weeks we were at the hospital but they never made it to the computer.  I am sure now I will not remember them.  But what I do remember is that God was with us the whole time.  He never left us or forsaked us.  He wrapped His arms around us.  He sometimes used others to comfort us.

As I walked the halls of the hospital I saw families that were also concerned for the health of their loved ones.  Some might not have been as lucky as we were.  I prayed for them and I know others were praying for us.  That too was a comfort.  Knowing your friends and loved ones cared.

We are so blessed.