Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just plain rude!

Growing up as a child I was passed around from family member to family member and to live with a family not related and then finally lived with my mother.  I never knew my father.I grew up like a lot of the children that live at the children's home where I work.  I was often blamed for things that happened  that I didn't do.  I learned to be un-emotional.  I did not cry when my mother died.  That might sound harsh but she didn't cry about things either. I loved my mother but felt I had to be strong and crying was not strong.  I could not let my guard down.  My husband had open heart surgery and I stayed strong for my children.  I did later cry tears of thanksgiving but no one knew it.

Recently I was told I was rude and opinionated.  I fell apart.  I never meant to be rude.  I did on occasion speak my thoughts.  I have found once again my opinion doesn't count.  I was hurt to think others thought of me as mean.  I became an emotional nightmare.  I have cried off an on for over a month.  I have since apologized to everyone I can think to apologize to for my rudeness. 

The Bible says to be ye kind.  I have taught this to others for many years and I was not kind.  I was wrong.

I just read an article by a woman that had had her feelings hurt.  She became unhappy and everyone around her knew it.  There was a bad smell in her house and she could not find it.  When she found it she removed it and it made her think about the stinking way she had acted.  She got rid of the smell in her house and her life.  That is what I am trying to do today.  I am getting rid of my stinking ways.

I hope you will have a great day.  You have already been blessed.  Lets just don't be rude today!


  1. You have never been rude. Sometimes tears only flow from the inside. Just beware not everyone is kind and loving like you. I love you and will pray for the person that said that.

  2. You are the best friend ever. Thank you so much. Next week Doug go on our big adventure. We leave Monday and fly to Rome and board a ship to the Holy Lands. Due to the unrest there we might not get to see all we wanted but just knowing we get to go is exciting. I do need your prayers. Doug's health is great. We will see the cardiologist tomorrow. He has been given the ok to go on the trip. Love you both.
