Thursday, November 7, 2013

It's November

It is November.  Usually this time of year in Cherokee, Texas the ground is brown and all vegetation seems to have gone to sleep.  Well God has found another way to bless us.  We have had more rain than usual, the grass is still green and I have roses and petunias blooming.  This morning was the first  really cold morning.  It has been so spring like.

Most everyone knows I don't like cold.  I think I am going to be cold until July. It happens every year but usually before now.  Another blessing.  So many are pleased with the cooler weather and I am happy for them.

 You see even though I will be miserable others will feel great.  It is like a cartoon I saw years ago.  It showed a farmer praying for rain for his crops and at the same time a family was praying for sunshine because they were going on a picnic.

The way we look at things is important.  We can't always have our way.   If we did we might not appreciate it but would expect it. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 that he was content in what ever state he was in.  It would be good for us to try that.

So I will just put on more sweaters and jackets and be thankful others are feeling good.

Are you content?

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