Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Close to God

When do you feel closest to God?  Doug and I were talking about this this morning.  It is a question I would like to ask several people.  This  got me to thinking about it and you know my thinking is sometimes troubling to say the least!

As I sat there I thought about when I feel closest to God.  It is when I am high in the sky in an airplane and when I am out on the ocean on a ship.  My two favorite places to be. The reason is because I have no control and am able to turn everything over to God.  When at home I have my feet on the ground and can try to control everything.  Not good.  I should be able to turn everything over to God all the time.  Something I am going to work on.

When are you closest to God?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Cindy!
    The more I am in the word, penning my prayers, and just thanking HIM is when I feel the closest to God. Lately, His presence has been very powerful in my life lately. I don't have words to tell you how much I love HIM and what HE has done in my life. I have the joy of the Lord! Love you, Mary Kay
