Thursday, April 12, 2012


I just read a blog written by a beautiful Christian Mother.  She was holding her sons hand during communion on Sunday morning.  She reflected on Mary the mother of Jesus and how Mary must have felt watching her son die on that cross and how she must have wanted to take His hand and care for the nail holes there.  How she stood at His feet watching Him struggle to breath and then hear Him give her to John.  She knew He was God's son.  She knew why He had to do what He did but she was still His mother and the hurt was there.

Those mothers of us that have believing children feel a sigh of relief knowing that someday they will be with Jesus in heaven.  Some of us have unbelieving children.  Maybe they just haven't taken that step.  Maybe they don't feel they can be perfect enough.  Whatever the reason we ache for them.  No one wants anyone to die and miss out on spending eternity in heaven with Jesus.  Don't give up mothers just keep praying God will send just the right person to aid them in their decision to become a child of God.


  1. Thanks Cynthia! Love the thoughts you have shared here, as well as the encouragement for mothers to keep praying for their children.

  2. A mother never stops praying. As many times as I have heard and read the story of the Prodigal never mentions the mother. I know she was praying for both of her sons. The Father had and still has the power to bring His children to their knees. Praise the Lord, HE lives. Good job, Cynthia. :)
